President’s Desk

Times have changed from when the NAACP first began, and the ways in which we now live are very different. Although the issues we face today remain unchanged, the workings and objectives of the NAACP remain the same. Now surpassing 100 years of service, the NAACP continues to fight in the battle for EQUALITY, FREEDOM, EQUAL RIGHTS, and VOTING RIGHTS, to ensure that all people are treated equally and afforded the same rights guaranteed by the constitution. Members in the community like yourself have aided the NAACP in successfully addressing the current issues of:
- Shedding light on racial profiling and calling for the revision of “Stop and Frisk” policies.
- Registering a record number of voters and engaging 1.1 million voters in 2012.
- Bringing more attention to health disparities such as obesity and HIV.
- Combating discrimination and providing financial education and banking information.
- Continuing to advocate for the repeal of the death penalty, and much more.
- Curtail voter suppression.
President Archie Hansley
Union County NAACP President